Episode 01: Grief and the Polyvagal Theory


What is grief? What does it do to our bodies and are we hardwired to grieve a certain way? Everyone has experienced grief to some extent, whether for the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, a move to a new city, or the end of a relationship. Every loss is experienced differently, but they all leave their marks on our lives. The Polyvagal Theory explains how we as humans deal with trauma and grief. Learn how to understand your emotions better and use that knowledge to be more gentle with yourself and others.

Links and Resources for this episode:

Candyce Ossefort-Russell

Find out more about our guest today. Visit her website to learn about her work. Download Your Grief is Your Own, an e-book that helps you feel understood as you grieve.

The Polyvagal Podcast

What got me excited about the Polyvagal Theory was the “Polyvagal Podcast” by Justin Sunseri. It is now called Stuck Not Broken. Check it out for some really interesting perspectives on the Polyvagal Theory and Trauma.

Dr. Stephen Porges

The brilliant mind behind the Polyvagal Theory. Visit his site to learn more and dive deeper into the subject.

Books to dive deeper into the subject


Episode 02: How would God explain Death? with Neale Donald Walsch


Episode 0: The Prequel