Episode 03: Grief and the Holidays with Garrick Colwell
Holidays – Christmas, Thanksgiving, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or birthdays, whatever it is you are celebrating, when you throw grief into the mix, things can change rapidly. How can we possibly celebrate when we are feeling the loss of a loved one? How can we even participate in events linked so closely to the memory of a partner, a parent, a sibling, a child, or a grandparent? How can we honor their memories and incorporate them into new traditions going forward?
And what about the support system? How can we support people who have lost a loved one especially during this difficult time?
I had a chat with my friend Garrick Colwell, a grief expert, and the co-founder of Kitchen Table Conversations to get some tips on how to navigate the holidays while allowing space for your grief.
Links and Resources for this episode:
Garrick Colwell
Garrick is a certified Grief Recovery Specialist and a Grief Educator with an extensive background in every aspect of grief and loss. He is the co-Creator of Kitchen Table Conversations, a nonprofit providing education and resources that empower people to have conversations about Advance Care Planning, End of Life and Grief.
Garrick is a widower and served his late wife Kinsloe as her patient advocate, caregiver, and end of life companion. Recently he lost his dad Bob, so his views on how to deal with the holidays while grieving are not only educated, but personal. Find out more.
David Kessler
David Kessler is the world’s foremost expert on grief and loss. His experience with thousands of people on the edge of life and death has taught him the secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life, even afterlife’s tragedies. He is the author of six books, including the new bestselling book, Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. He coauthored two books with Elisabeth Kubler Ross, including On Grief and Grieving updated her 5 stages for grief. His first book, The Needs of The Dying received praise from Saint (Mother) Teresa. Find out more.
Dr. Alan Wolfelt
Dr. Alan Wolfelt, has been recognized as one of North America’s leading death educators, authors and grief counselors. His compassionate messages about healing in grief—based on his own personal losses as well has his professional experience supporting children, teens, adults, and families over the last three decades—speak not only to the intellect but to the hearts of all who hear him. Perhaps best known for his model of “companioning” versus “treating” mourners, Dr. Wolfelt is committed to helping people mourn well so they can live well and love well. Find out more.