Episode 08: Messages and Visions. Insights from a Medium … with Jen Shaffer


I have seen a few mediums in my time. Some were ok, one was downright awful, and I walked out after 10 minutes. But then there are those that just leave you amazed. One of them is Jen Shaffer. Jen is a world-renowned Psychic Medium. She has been on serval TV shows and movies on Gaia. She works with law enforcement on criminal cases and often hosts small group readings called Wine and Spirits.


Maybe it was the name that drew me, but I did not know much about Jen, when I attended one of her Wine and Spirits group readings a few months back. What came out during that reading blew my mind and I just knew that I had to have her on the podcast. 

 But I did not want to have the regular “reading on a podcast kinda thing” – I wanted a look behind the curtain to find out how this whole medium thing works. 

 In recent years I have had quite a few strange things happen to me as well, messages, visions … stuff like that. Crazy stuff, that I am still in the process of wrapping my head around. Maybe it is because of my work as an End-of-life Doula - I am not sure. 

I was never scared, when I knew or saw something – just confused and scared that I might go nuts. And it is a process to recognize messages for what they are and to get the courage to talk about them. So, I am super excited to hear what an expert like Jen has to say to that. Maybe I am not going crazy after all.


Jennifer Shaffer

Jennifer Shaffer is a world-renowned Psychic Medium. She has been on numerous television shows, several movies on GIA as well as her cases have been profiled on 20/20, Buzzfeed, Dr. Phil, and Oxygen. Jennifer donates her time to law enforcement and families of victims, by assisting with criminal cases and helping find answers. Jennifer founded the JS Intuitive Investigations Academy and also teaches an intuitive investigations development course for various skill levels. She is the subject of four bestselling books by Richard Martini “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” and his latest book “Tuning into the Afterlife: How to Stay in Touch with the Flipside.   Find out more.


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Richard Martini

Writer/Director/Author Richard is an award winning filmmaker, who has written and/or directed 8 theatrical features, and a number of documentaries. His first book, "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife" went to #1 twice at Amazon in all its genres. The book is based on transcripts of a documentary he made which is available at Amazon (Flipside: A Journey Into the Afterlife) and Gaiam TV. His books "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" volumes one and two expands the research into the afterlife from Michael Newton's work, to include interviews with a number of scientists in the field of consciousness, including Dr. Bruce Greyson, Dr. Mario Beauregard, and Gary Schwartz Phd. He also examines near death experiences and compares their accounts to similar ones during between life sessions (the technique used by Michael Newton that allows people to access the between lives realm, or LBLs) and other examples (OBEs) where people may have lost their ability to think normally, but are having the same experiences. In "Hacking the Afterlife" he interviews mediums and explores "interviewing people no longer on the planet." As Gary Schwartz put it after reading "Flipside" “Inspiring, well written and entertaining. The kind of book where once you have read it, you will no longer be able to see the world in the same way again.” Find out more.


Books to dive deeper into the subject


Episode 09: Counterfeit Drugs - An American Nightmare … with Dr. Ruby Javed


Episode 07: Emotions in Motion - How to let grief move through you - with Paul Denniston